Zuzalu Zero-Knowledge Week

Zuzalu Zero-Knowledge Week

šŸ”® Overview

Zuzalu is a pop-up community in Montenegro bringing together individuals from various communities, including Ethereum, applied cryptography, longevity research, decentralized science, public goods, and other related fields.

During Zuzaluā€™s ZK Week (April 16th - 23rd), contributors from the global zero-knowledge community will be helping to run educational events and workshops. Participating organizations include 0xPARC, Ethereum Foundation PSE, Polygon, Scroll, Axiom, Geometry, ZKPodcast, and more.

  • ZK Week (April 16th - 23rd) will feature talks, workshops, and discussions hosted by a variety of ZK experts and specialists, targeted towards all experience levels.
  • The week will culminate in a weekend ZK Hackathon (April 22nd - 23rd), where participants of all experience levels are invited to build together in a collaborative and education-focused environment.

Additionally, Zuzalu residents and ZK Week visitors are invited to hack on the Zuzalu Passport System: an open-source identity system, built for Zuzalu participants, by Zuzalu participants.

āœˆļøĀ Apply to Visit ZK Week

ZK Week will take place at Zuzalu in Lustica Bay, Montenegro, from April 16th - April 23rd.

If youā€™re interested in visiting ZK Week, apply here by April 7th! As Zuzalu has a limited capacity for guests, we may not be able to accept all visitors. Weā€™ll get back to you within a few days with a decision, and instructions on next steps.

Accepted visitors are responsible for booking their own travel and accommodations. Here are some recommendations:

  • Accommodations: The Chedi hotel will be the most convenient option given it is in the middle of our village, however it is a bit more expensive. There are also lots of AirBnbs near the Lustica Bay area. Another option is to book in the city of Tivat; Tivat is a 20 minute drive away, but there are a lot more hotel options around there.
  • Flights: Your best options will be TGD or TIV airport. Podgorica Airport (TGD) is the largest airport in Montenegro, and is a 1hr 30min drive to our location. Tivat Airport (TIV) is the closest airport, only a 15 minute drive away.

In addition, visitors will need to purchase a Zuzalu visitor pass from Zuzalu program organizers ($100 for a weekend, or $300 for a week). A limited number of scholarships to waive the visitor pass fee are available for accepted visitors for whom the visitor pass would make attending difficult.

šŸ•’ Schedule

You can find the full ZK Week Schedule on theĀ Zuzalu Website. In general, programming is being kept fairly light--residents and visitors are encouraged to schedule ad hoc sessions and build projects during the week.

  • OnĀ SundayĀ (today) we'll have the ZK Week kickoff session in the Dome from 7-8PM, followed by a "ZK Projects Meet & Greet" social at the Chedi hotel co-working room afterwards. Several community members will also be running introductory workshops over the afternoon.
  • FromĀ Monday through Friday, community members will run workshops in the Dome and the Chedi co-working room from 5-8PM. The Chedi co-working room will be open from 9AM - 5PM for ZK community members to congregate and cowork together every day.
  • While we encourage interested residents and visitors to work on a project throughout the week,Ā next Saturday and SundayĀ are set aside as a "Hack Weekend" where you can go heads-down building with mentor support, at the Chedi co-working room.
  • ZK Week finishes withĀ project demos next SundayĀ (April 23) at 7PM. Submit your project by Sunday late afternoon - instructions will be sent closer to the weekend!
  • If you're interested in hosting an ad hoc workshop or session during the week, use theĀ Zuzalu websiteĀ to book a time in the Dome from 9AM - 5PM! If you have any trouble with this, message into the Zuzalu ZK Study Club group ("ZK Week Questions" channel).

šŸ› ļø Building at ZK Week

We encourage residents and visitors to work on a project. Mentors will be available for three tracks: Nova Track, Hacking Your Zuzalu Passport, and zkEVMĀ Track.

Building at ZK Week ā€” Nova TrackBuilding at ZK Week ā€” Hacking ZupassBuilding at ZK Week ā€” zkEVM Track

You're also welcome to hack on other ZK-related topics--specialists are around to help those interested in ZKML (see EZKL) or PLONK (see PLONKathon and repo).