Building at ZK Week — Nova Track

Building at ZK Week — Nova Track

Track organizers: Nalin (tg: @nibnalin), Justin Drake, Barry Whitehat

In recent months, there has been a surge in interest in Nova — a cutting-edge zkSNARK recursion technique with exceptional security properties and state-of-the-art performance.

On the research side, Sangria, Origami and Lookup Origami (extensions of Nova) were published in just the last month.

On the application side, we’ve had an explosion in the number of teams exploring using Nova, including a ZKML application proving billion+ constraints, a beginner friendly compiler, and even a serious exploration to build a zkVM from EF PSE.

As such, we’d like to dedicate a workshop/hackathon track to exploring Nova at the Zuzalu ZK Week:


We aim to structure the Nova Track talks for the week in a way that allows for someone with no background in Nova to uplevel their understanding to the latest in research ideas.

Meet and Greet Preview

Intro to Folding Scheme Math Building Blocks

Intro to Nova

Nova Dinner

Wednesday Ad-Hoc Sessions

Advanced Folding Schemes

SuperNova and Parallelising Nova

Research and Future Exploration Discussion

Hackathon Track: Nova

We aim for this hackathon track during the weekend (April 22-23) to be a schelling point to get more people building tooling and cool applications for Nova and zkSNARK recursion in general!

Here are some proposed project ideas and point of contacts for projects to talk to: